vair or vaire a fur shown as rows of small shields alternately reversed
vallary crown a gold circlet surmounted by flat pointed strips
vambrace armour for the arm
vambraced used when the arm is completely covered with armour (see umbraced)
vamplate a gauntlet
vamplet a broad pan of steel attached to the lower part of a tilting-spear to protect the hand
vannet the escallop when shown without the ears
verblée a hunting-horn edged with metal of a different colour
verdoy a border charged with eight flowers, leaves or fruit
vert green
verted or reverted same as flexed or reflexed
verules or ferrals several rings one within another with the same centre
vested clothed (see habited)
vigilant used of a cat when watching for prey (see watching)
visor the part of a helmet which protects the face (see beaver)
vol two wings of an eagle displayed and conjoined
volant flying
voided used of a charge with the middle cut out so that the field is seen through it
voiders a diminutive of flanch
vorant or engoulant devouring
vulned wounded so that blood appears