radiant, rayonned, rayonnant or rayoneé used to express any ordinary or charge edged with glittering rays like the sun
raguly like embattled but with the protuberances set obliquely
ramé branched or attired
rampant used of an animal standing on its hind legs
rampant sejant used of a lion when sitting with the forelegs raised
rangé arranged in order
raping used of animals devouring their prey
rays when round the sun they are sixteen in number when round an estoile nine and are shown alternately straight and wavy
razed torn from the body with jagged edges erect upright (see arraché and erased)
rearing used of a horse when standing on the hind legs with the forelegs raised
rebated when the point of a weapon or part of a cross is broken off
reboundant used of a lion's tail when it forms the letter 'S' with the point outwards
rebus used of an achievement whose charges allude to the name of the bearer, such as castles for Castleton
recercellée used of a cross whose ends are slightly forked and curled back (see cercellée)
reclinant bending backwards
reflexed or reflected curved or turned round as the chain from the collar of a beast thrown over its back
reguardant looking behind or backwards (see tourne)
reindeer a stag with double attires
remora a snake
removed implies that the ordinary has fallen or become removed from its proper position
rencontre used of a full faced animal head cut off just above the neck (see cabossed or caboshed)
renverse when anything is set with its head downwards or contrary to its natural way or turned upside down
reremouse a bat
respectant or respecting used of animals when placed face to face
reserved contrary to the usual position
rests, clarions or clavichords the rest for a lance and by some authorities called musical instruments, they bear a resemblance to a fluted bracket (see organ rest)
retorted used of snakes when intertwined
reversed turned upside down
riband or ribbon an eighth part of a bend of which it is a diminutive
rising used of birds when preparing to take flight (see rousant)
rompu or rompé broken
rose always represented as full blown with the petals expanded, seeded in the middle and backed by five green barbs or leaves, when a rose is red it must be blazoned gules not proper, a rose is termed 'barbed and seeded proper' when the barbs are green and the seeds yellow
roundels or roundles round charges flat when of metal and spherical when of colour they change their names according to their tinctures
rousant used of birds when preparing to take flight (see rising)
rustre a lozenge pierced similar to a mascle but with a round instead of a diamond shaped hole